315J/molK Gas constant for air Ra 287J/kg K Gas consistent for H2O Rv 462J/kg K Gravity g 9. Exam is cumulative contains Ch 1 6, 8 10, 12 13, closed textbook/notes, equation sheets and any 40% Homework assignments. Thermodynamics 18MECH21C. 90. 1 15 Mechanics and Thermodynamics : Final Exam Solution Final Exam Comprehensive Final Exam Saturday 12 March 3 6 PM Young Hall Rooms: CS 24 Sections 1A 1G CS 50 Sections 1H 1I and 3A 3E CS 76 Sections 3F 3I Those who're taking facts make up exam were set up last week One scholar with an early start Exam 3 average 63, simple deviation 19 I expect the final exam average may be higher Largely conceptual. Final Solutions. Exam 1 follow questions and solutions. 1/10 Introduction facts project Thermodynamics Videos: Power of thermodynamic forces, Human powered helicopter Chemical Thermodynamics Example 9. Grade yourself with key facts task see what you recognize. 20 pts. Exams/Tests/Homework: There can be two hourly exams, and one final exam.

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